Justice For Jennifer


Georgia House Bill - HB 993

Crimes and offenses; grooming a minor for indecent purposes; provide for offense

Official Summary/Bill Text:

A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Part 2 of Article 3 of Chapter 12 of Title 16 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to offenses related to minors generally, so as to provide for the offense of grooming a minor for indecent purposes; to provide for a definition; to provide for a penalty; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

HB 993 dates

*Information provided via HB 993 Overview from Fast Democracy.  Visit their website to find news links and other documents on House Bill 993.  Learn More…

General Assembly passes anti-grooming bill

hartwell sun alan powell HB 993

The Georgia Senate unanimously passed House Bill 993, a bill pushed by Representative Alan Powell now making the grooming of a minor for sex a felony in the State of Georgia.  Read More…

Kemp signs trio of anti-trafficking bills

Georgia Gov Brian Kemp signs an anti-human trafficking bill at the signing ceremony in Atlanta.  Read More…


In a historic vote, the Georgia House of Representatives unanimously approved HB993, submitted by Rep. Alan Powell, that would make the grooming of a child or minor by an adult for indecent purposes a felony.

In his address to the full House before the vote last week, Powell blamed social media for the increased prevalence of sexual grooming of minors and called those involved in such practices, sick.

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Anti-grooming bill “step in right direction”

Several members of Harmony House’s team holding blue pinwheels, a reminder of National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Left to right: Kaitlin Andrews, child and family services advocate; Olivia Owensby, director of forensic services; Darrin Haley, clinical director; Wendy Risner, outreach/volunteer coordinator; and Laurie Whitworth, CEO

Last week, the Georgia General Assembly passed House Bill 993, which would make the grooming of a minor for sex a felony in Georgia punishable with between one to five years of prison time.  Read More…

Harmony House Team

Interview With Red Voice Media

Jennifer’s mother, Susan Cobb joins Stew Peters on Red Voice Media to discuss Jennifer’s story, her death, and the Cobb family’s campaigning to change American laws so that future girls do not have their innocence and their lives stolen in the same way.

Hartwell Sun - Green Denied Bail

Hartwell Sun Article - Bond Hearing