Justice For Jennifer - A Letter From The Cobb Family
Jennifer Autumn Cobb was the light of our lives. She brought so much joy to us all. She was beautiful inside and out. Such a kind and sweet soul. She loved to give to others without receiving. She loved to make people laugh and smile. She loved animals, especially her best friend Abby Gail, her German Shepherd, who recently passed away. She was so excited to get another German Shephard who she named Ava. She was looking forward to having her trained as a service dog and support animal. She loved Jesus and her favorite Christian song was “Reckless Love of God”. Jennifer loved the outdoors. She loved the ocean, snow skiing, water skiing, fishing, and camping. She loved being on the swim team when she was young and being a gymnast. Jennifer had her heart set on becoming a cosmetologist and more recently was offered an intern position at Rebecca Walden’s Wig Studio in Atlanta, Ga. The studio focus is on wigs for cancer patients and women with alopecia.
Jennifer was just starting to put the painful events of being groomed and sexually abused from age 12 to 20 behind her. She had confronted the one who groomed, sexually abused, and stole her innocence, in court. She had made her decision to testify and was looking forward to telling her story and protecting others. Her hopes were to prevent this from happening to another innocent child. She wanted to protect other families from losing their children to sexual grooming and sexual abuse. She did not want to see another family destroyed and broken by such evil.
If Jeremy Leonard Green, aka “Coach Bob” could be arrested on June 15, 2021, when Jennifer was 20 and be charged with 6 counts of statutory rape and child molestation against a 12-year-old, then it seems the law could have locked him up when she was age 14 when her brother witnessed the act, but local law refused to investigate. Maybe then we could have saved her from another 6 years of his sexual grooming, sexual abuse, control, and brainwashing. We were later told; our son’s statement should have at least made it before the Hart County Grand Jury, when she was 14, sadly, it did not. No investigation, no interviews. They will tell you that she denied the event, but research will tell you that children who are sexually groomed are taught to lie and they will not tell on the predator. This is part of the grooming process. Many won’t come forth until they are in their middle adulthood, forties and over. Even then, there are those who still don’t tell.
Jennifer’s family went with her to Bob’s bond hearing on June 24, 2021. There she told the judge she came forth because she did not want another child to be sexually groomed or sexually abused by Bob. She also told the judge she was afraid for her safety if he made bail. Unfortunately, Jennifer was victim shamed by the judge, who ask her was she jealous of the other kids he was starting to touch and send text messages to. If that wasn’t bad enough, then 2 preachers from Encounter Church in Hartwell, who were going to marry her to this predator came forth as his character witness and when asked, if Bob Green was convicted of sexual molestation of a 12-year-old would it change their opinion of him, both preachers answered no, it would not. Bob was then granted house arrest with an ankle monitor. You can read the transcripts of the bond hearing on Jennifer’s web site: www.justiceforjennifercobb.com.
Jennifer was devastated! We saw the hurt in her face. We saw the tears. She was broken all over again. She must have thought, if a judge and 2 preachers won’t believe me or think his actions are not bad, then who will. I guess the pain was too much for her to bear. Unfortunately, Jennifer committed suicide by hanging 6 days after his bond hearing. Or at least that is what we have been told. Still hard to believe. After all, it benefits the predator, no witness for the trial. I think this would make any parent wonder, especially with all that has happened over the years, it is hard to really know.
If truly suicide, then you would have to think at this point, for her, suicide was her only way to get past the pain, sexual abuse, humiliation, depression, and all the hurt she had endured at the hands of such an evil person named Bob Green. A man 17 years older than her who sexually groomed, brainwashed, and sexually abused her for 8 years. A man that caused her so much trauma she pulled every string of her beautiful blond hair out beginning at age 12. She had to wear wigs from age 12 to 20. We thought it was an autoimmune disorder that caused her hair loss, but sadly we learned it was from the stress of sexual abuse and sexual grooming she had endured. It was too much for her young innocent body and mind to handle.
On August 17, 2021, then 36-year-old Jeremy Leonard Green, “Coach Bob”, was indicted by the Hart County Grand Jury on six counts of rape, and child molestation. We are still waiting for his trial.
Sadly, Jennifer will never get to testify against the coach who sexually groomed and stole her innocence. Her life was taken from us on June 30, 2021. Her family and friends are devasted, heartbroken and still grieving her loss. Since Jennifer so bravely and courageously came forth, there have been many other victims of Bob Green, unfortunately their statute of limitation has run out. They won’t be able to have charges served, but they will be allowed to testify against him at trial. We ask you pray for these brave women.
We also ask you pray for us to be victorious as we work with our Georgia Senators and Congress members as we advocate for laws in Georgia to be changed and made tougher against those who sexually groom and sexually abuse innocent children. We are also advocating for the statute on those other victims who came forth to be changed so that there is not a statute of limitations. This would mean they too would be able to have charges pressed. There should be no statute of limitations on any child who is a victim of a sexual crime. We would like to see this changed not only in Georgia, but all states within the United States of America.
Jennifer loved God, we always told her he would never leave her. We believe in her last moments she was just ready to run to the arms of Jesus and leave all the pain behind. We would like to think Jesus came and carried his loss sheep home. There she was reunited with her best friend Abby Gail, her German Shepard and all the loved ones who went before her.
It is our goal to educate others about sexual grooming. Sexual grooming is a deliberate process by which offenders gradually initiate and maintain sexual relationships with victims in secrecy.
Grooming allows offenders to slowly overcome natural boundaries long before sexual abuse occurs. On the surface, grooming a child can look like a close relationship between the offending adult, the targeted child, and potentially the child’s caregivers. The grooming process is often misleading because the offender may be well-known, or highly regarded in the community. As a result, it is easy to trust them.
Please join us in being Jennifer’s voice and help us finish the fight she so bravely and courageously started. Please help her family see that justice is served and her perpetrator is held responsible. Help us get laws changed to better protect our children. Jennifer wanted to protect other children. Help us win her fight to protect other innocent children from sexually grooming and sexual abuse.
The Cobb Family
Family Update
Dear Friends and Community, We wanted to update you all on the recent developments in the legal pursuit of justice for our beloved daughter, Jennifer Cobb. Today, our civil attorneys filed a lawsuit against Jeremy “Bob” Green and the Bell Family Branch YMCA, operated by Young Men’s Christian Association of Georgia’s Piedmont, Inc. This legal action seeks to hold accountable those responsible for the unimaginable harm inflicted upon Jennifer during her childhood, by her YMCA gymnastics coach. We appreciate your continued support and ask that if you or someone you love was sexually groomed, raped or sexually assaulted by Bob Green or victimized at the Bell Family Branch YMCA and want help, please let us know and we will connect you with our civil attorneys. If you wish to contact them directly, please call or email Kara Phillips, Deitch & Rogers, LLC at 770-394-9000 or kara@victimattorneys.com. Also on this day, the second anniversary of Jennifer’s untimely, devastating death, we invite you all for a memorial gathering to honor Jennifer’s memory. The date, time and location to be announced soon. With love and gratitude, Wayne & Susan Cobb “Whats done in the darkness will be brought to light”. Luke 12:3